qb-smallresources and 2 props

  1. Open qb-smallresources/client/consumables.lua
  2. Search this event: RegisterNetEvent('consumables:client:Custom', function(itemName)
  3. Check that your code is the same as the code in the version I’m using:
RegisterNetEvent('consumables:client:Custom', function(itemName)
    QBCore.Functions.TriggerCallback('consumables:itemdata', function(data)
        QBCore.Functions.Progressbar('custom_consumable', data.progress.label, data.progress.time, false, true, {
            disableMovement = false,
            disableCarMovement = false,
            disableMouse = false,
            disableCombat = true
        }, {
            animDict = data.animation.animDict,
            anim = data.animation.anim,
            flags = data.animation.flags
        }, {
            model = data.prop.model,
            bone = data.prop.bone,
            coords = data.prop.coords,
            rotation = data.prop.rotation
        }, {}, function() -- Done
            TriggerEvent('qb-inventory:client:ItemBox', QBCore.Shared.Items[itemName], 'remove')
            if data.replenish.type then
                TriggerServerEvent('consumables:server:add' .. data.replenish.type, QBCore.Functions.GetPlayerData().metadata[string.lower(data.replenish.type)] + data.replenish.replenish)
            if data.replenish.isAlcohol then
                alcoholCount += 1
                if alcoholCount > 1 and alcoholCount < 4 then
                    TriggerEvent('evidence:client:SetStatus', 'alcohol', 200)
                elseif alcoholCount >= 4 then
                    TriggerEvent('evidence:client:SetStatus', 'heavyalcohol', 200)
            if data.replenish.event then
    end, itemName)

4. Edit this event according to this page: Github (Red row has been removed, green rows have been added)
You can also try downloading this entire file or resource, but there may have been some updates in qbcore, so it might not work. It’s important to have this event edited so that you can use two props.

5. Now you can use this template in qb-smallresources/config.lua if you need 2 props:

     ['item_name'] = {
         progress = {
             label = 'Using Item...',
             time = 5000
         animation = {
                animDict = 'bzzz@restaurant@eat', --(animDict)
                anim = 'bzzz_restaurant_eat', --(animName)
		flags = 17,
         prop = {
             model = 'first_prop_name',
             bone = 18905,
             coords = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), -- vector 3 format
             rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), -- vector 3 format
         prop2 = {
                model = 'second_prop_name',
                bone = 28422,
                coords = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
                rotation = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),

         replenish = {
             type = 'Hunger', -- replenish type 'Hunger'/'Thirst' / false
             replenish = math.random(20, 40),
             isAlcohol = false, -- if you want it to add alcohol count
             event = false, -- 'eventname' if you want it to trigger an outside event on use useful for drugs
             server = false -- if the event above is a server event

6. Of course, you must also add the item to qb-core/shared/items.lua to use it.

item_name                     = { name = 'item_name', label = 'Item Label', weight = 500, type = 'item', image = 'image_name.png', unique = false, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Bon appetit' },

7. You insert the item image into qb-inventory/html/images, and the image name must be the same as the name mentioned above (image_name.png).